
Thursday, March 13, 2008

About Max

Max Brady sits alone in the Brady pub. He's just finished closing and is almost done cleaning up.
This of course gives him time to pour himself a drink and think about his life.

Yeah, some life. He thinks. All the things I USED to be. I USED to be a world class race car driver. I USED to own a successful garage. I USED to be the designer of one of the most innovative engines in the world. One that was supposed to revolutionize racing and the entire auto industry.

And now.....I am a bartender.

Max toasts himself and finishes his drink as his phone rings.

"Yeah, you got me." He answers the phone.

"Max, it's Frankie. Just called to see how you are doing with that little errand I gave you." Frankie says

"Yeah, I've been working on it." Max says "I still don't quite understand why you have me messing with Nick's project though."

"I told you when we first talked," Frankie says "That's on a need-to-know basis. And you don't need to know."

"Well maybe YOU don't NEED the stuff I've been sending you." Max gets cranky. "I tore out the page and faxed it to you, just like you asked. The next thing I know you have me changing math equations that look like might as well be written in Klingon."

"I told you it doesn't matter why you're doing this. And you don't need to understand the stuff Nick is doing." Frankie says

"What makes you think I wouldn't understand?" Max asks "I am not stupid, you know."

A very long pause follows this statement.

"Yeah, well like I said, it's better that you don't know what's going on." Frankie says

"Well maybe it would be better if I just stopped messing with Nicks stuff altogether. He is my friend you know." Max says

"Well if he is your friend, then you'll understand he is in danger if he keeps going on this plan." Frankie says

"Why?" Max asks "I don't understand all of it, but I do know it's something to do with environmentally friendly fuel sources and stuff."

"It's more than that." Frankie says "If Nick's proposal is put into the wrong hands it will end America's dependence on foreign oil."

"OK, I know I'm not a rocket scientist like Nick, but I know enough to know that sounds like a good thing." Max says

"Not to the people I work for." Frankie says

"But you are a lawyer." Max is confused "Who could you be working for that this would mean anything to?"

"Look Max I can't tell you any more than I already have." Frankie answers "It is dangerous for you to know as much as you do."

"That's it" Max declares "I have to know now. Who are you working for?"

"Max, I just can't" Frankie insists

"Frankie, tell me now." Max says

A long pause happens. Max can hear Frankie moving around, and strains to figure out what he's doing. Finally Frankie comes back on the phone.

"OK, look, you did NOT, repeat NOT hear any of this from me." Frankie says "I could be made to, well not exist if it comes out I told you."

"I understand" Max says "No one will ever know you are the one who told me."

"I mean it, Max" Frankie says "These people can make you just not exist anymore. They can eliminate all traces of your life and even brainwash your family into forgetting they ever knew you."

"I understand Frankie" Max says "Just tell me!!"

"Nick's project, if it is put into action, would give the US no excuse to not be totally green. There would be no reason for fossil fuels, no more oil, no more petroleum products would be needed for anything." Frankie says

"Okay, I get it, but what's the big deal? Who's behind this?" Max insists.

"Max, think, hard. Oils, chemicals, petroleum products, dyes and colors, preservatives....what industry uses all of these?" Frankie says

"I don't know.....make up?" Max says

"Now, think of a NAME, a para-military organization who recruits, equips, and trains it's members to take over....." Frankie says

"What are you saying? The Mary Kay ladies are behind this? They're some secret organization that rules the world?" Max laughs

"If you knew what I know about them, you wouldn't be laughing" Frankie says

Max fall silent. He can't believe what he is hearing. Mary Kay ladies?

"Frankie, what are you saying? The little middle aged ladies who drive those pink cars and do make up parties are some kind of world super power?" Max asks

"That's exactly what I am saying." Frankie answers "They are more organized than our own military. They are in virtually every city and town in the country. They control wealth we can only imagine. They train their members from day one, to do nothing but recruit other members. And all of this will crumble if the petroleum industry falls. The chemicals and production process of make up and perfume relies heavily on it's being able to make it's products in a non-environmentally friendly way. In fact there is no "green" way to produce make up. If they are forced to, they will go out of business."

"Oh my God!" Max says "I never knew."

"And you were never supposed to know." Frankie says "But now that you do, you understand you have to stop Nick at all costs."

"But who cares if there's no make up." Max says

"Max, think about what you are saying. If there is no make up, what will women look like? Do you think their hair just does the stuff it does? That their faces just naturally look like that?" Frankie explains

"I guess I never thought about it." Max says

"Well you'd better!" Frankie says "Think about the way your girlfriends act when they are having a bad hair day. Or they are out of eye liner or their favorite shade of lipstick is discontinued."

"Oh my God!" Max realizes what Frankie is saying. "Oh God! Nick must be stopped!"

"Now you get it , little bro." Frankie says "So I can count on you?"

"Yeah, I will take care of it!" Max, hangs up the phone and thinks. He shivers visibly, then flips his phone open.

'Nick! Hey what are you up to? Working on your project? Hey why don't you bring it over here and I'll proof read it for you.. Yeah I'm off work and we can spread out over several tables here at the pub. Yeah it's no problem."


Blogger Applecheeks said...

The Mary Kay Krew - evil super powers of the world!! Deb, you are one Twisted Sister. LOLOL

But it's logical when you think about it. The perfect disguise. 'Cause if you aren't one of "them", you certainly give them a wide berth.

To all those people who say, "Think what a better place the world would be if women were in charge," I now can say...."If you only knew."


March 15, 2008 at 8:51 AM  

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