
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Plan Returns

Hope leaves Bo's bedside and leaves the room, trying to hide her tears.

Bo, lays motionless until he hears the door close. He opens one eye and makes sure she's gone. A suddenly healthy and vigorous Bo jumps out of his hospital bed.
He runs to the door and listens to see if anyone else is coming. Satisfied he is alone, he pulls a cell phone out from under his pillow and dials.

"Hey, it's me" Bo says "Yeah she finally left. I gotta tell you this is not working out the way you said it would."

"Have some patience buddy," John says "I have Rolf working on it right now."

"Well I don't have that much time!" Bo says "They are talking about cutting me up, and THAT wasn't part of our deal."

"Yeah like I wanted to lose a kidney, remember that little snag?" John asks

"Look, all I know is you said they would never be able to figure out these pancreas symptoms." Bo says "I have faked them right down the line exactly the way you told me to, and it's not working!"

"It's not my fault they called in Dr. Dan the expert" John says "I just figured your sister would be the control freak she usually is and would let you die rather than have someone prove her wrong."

"Well I might die now" Bo says "FOR REAL! That was not part of our plan!"

"I know I know, and like I said I am working on it." John is irritated

"Well work on it harder!" Bo says "You promised I could die like you did, then come back with the no emotions no memory thing and finally get rid of 'stick woman'. I mean come on, would it kill her to eat a carb every so often? It's like sleeping with Cruella DeVille."

"Yeah well you gotta remember, sometimes these broads don't give up" John says "Blondie is all over me trying to save me. Not that it's not fun to watch her get that confused look on her face; you know the one where she looks like she just farted and hopes no one will notice?"

John and Bo bust out laughing then Bo realizes he's being a little loud and goes to the door to check and make sure no one heard him.

"Okay, look, are you sure Rolf can come up with a way to get me out of this?" Bo asks "Out of this in ONE PIECE?"

"Relax, cuz." John answers "I have it under control, no worries. You'll be as good as dead long before they can get you into the chop shop."

"Oh thanks, that makes me feel so much better." Bo snipes

"You know what I mean." John says "Just don't have a change of heart later on and decide you want to make it work with 'Stick woman' dude."

"Now why would I do that!" Bo says "I've gone through all this to get away from her, what makes you think I'd want to go back?"

"Yeah well that's what 'Patchy the pirate' said when we arranged his death and memory loss" John says "He was all set. No memories, no worries. he was even going to be able to be rid of his wife. She'd given up and was going to let him go. But nooooooo, he had to start thinking with 'little steve' and go and mess it all up."

"Yeah I know." Bo says

"I know you know, but remember Steve had it all worked out." John says "Now he's not only right back where he was 20 years ago, complete with a knocked up wife!"

"All I know is, we had a deal, and I just want to get the hell out of here and forget I ever knew there was a Salem." Bo says

"Well just keep playing your part, and it will all work out." John says "I'll make sure you die before Dr. Dan has a chance to be the big hero with his transplant."

"You better be sure about this." Bo says "Do you have an operative in place to make sure I get out of here after I die."

"Yes, I have Ciara standing by at the hospital, in fact she came in to see you earlier, I would have thought you'd figured it out when you saw her." John explains

"Ciara? Do I know her?" Bo asks "Was she that hot redhead nurse who checked my IV this morning?"

"Ummm no...." John answers "....are you sure you aren't hitting some real drugs in there? Ciara...doesn't ring any bells?"

"Should it?" Bo asks "I don't think I know anyone by that name."

"Never mind" John says "just get back in bed and look sick"

"Okay, just hurry up and get this plan moving." Bo says

John hangs up his phone and pours himself a drink. He goes to the door of the lab and opens it.
"ROLF!" John yells "ROLF, GET UP HERE."

"Vat? vat? I am verking here!" Rolf scurries up the stairs.

"Well work faster, this should have been done days ago!" John says

"Ya, faster, I am verking as fast as I can" Rolf grumbles

"Well get it done!" John slams the lab door and walks away

Back down in the lab Rolf complains to no one. "Rolf get it done, Rolf why isn't it ready? It's like Stefano never left."


Blogger Applecheeks said...

Well, that explains a lot. LOLOL

Now I'm imagining Belle undergoing the procedure and being able to tell Neandershawn what she REALLY thought of him and what she wanted. Sublime.

March 11, 2008 at 11:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved the Cruella Deville comment! LOL
I don't know how you and prevuze keep this up.

March 11, 2008 at 7:17 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Arright, Deb. I've been lurking for awhile, but I have to say -- love it! You do a great job!

March 11, 2008 at 7:59 PM  

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