
Friday, March 14, 2008

What's REALLY wrong with Bo

Bo lays in his hospital bed, sweating and moaning. Hope sits by his side looking both sad and like she needs a good meal.

Down in the lab, Kayla and Lexi work tirelessly to find a cure for him. Formulas are discussed, results are poured over, microscopes are used. Daniel just stands back and looks amused by the whole process.

Two priests walk down the hall with a purpose. No one pays any attention to them as they quietly make their way through the hospital, speaking to no one, not looking around or making eye contact with the staff. They arrive at Bo's room and pause a moment before walking in.

Hope looks up as the priests enter. She is confused, as usual, but before she can ask why they are there, Bo opens his eyes and sees them.

"GET OUT OF HERE!" Bo screams

One of the priests opens his bible and starts to read, while the other sprinkles holy water around. A few drops hit Bo and he screams in agony.

"Bo what's going on?" Hope is freaked "Why are you acting like this?"

"Make them leave!" Bo hisses "Get them out of here!"

"Mrs Brady" one priest says "I am Father Merrin. Perhaps you've heard of me? I am an exorcist. And this is my assistant Brother Paul"

"Get out of here you son of a bull dog!" Bo screams

"BO!" Hope is shocked "why is an exorcist here? What's going on? Why are you talking like that?"

"Shut up! You lint licking cootie queen!" Bo shrieks "French toast and get out of here!"

Hope backs away from Bo and stares. The priests go back to their prayers and holy water tossing. Bo screams in anger and frustration as they do.

"AAAA STOP!" Bo writhes "It BURNS! Stop, Marshall Tucker that hurts! Get the Hobken New Jersey out of my room you forking cork sockers!"

Kayla and Lexi hear the commotion and rush to Bo's room. They burst in and are horrified to see Bo levitating above his bed, while the priests pray and chant.

"Oh my God! Kayla, Lexi! Bo is possessed!" Hope cries "It must have been what was wrong with him all along!"

"I was hoping you wouldn't figure that out." The three turn to see Daniel has entered the room. "Yes Hope, Bo is possessed. And you weren't supposed to know that until it was too late."

"You KNEW?" Kayla says "You knew we were wasting our time trying to figure out what was wrong with his pancreas?"

"Yeah, I figured pancreas symptoms would keep you busy for a while" Daniel says "And it would have worked if these two hadn't shown up."

Daniel takes a step towards the priests, but is driven back when the younger one holds up a cross and sprinkles holy water around Bo's bed. Daniel hisses and backs up towards the door. The priest sprinkles holy water around Bo's bed to keep Daniel from coming any closer. Meanwhile Father Merrin continues the exorcism.

"Nooo!" Bo screams "Let me out of here you pork swapping astronauts!"

"What is he saying?" Kayla is confused "Those aren't exactly curse words."

"Bo is being possessed by one of the most dangerous demons there is." Father Merrin explains "A demon that can only be found in Ireland, around Gallaway. It is commonly called, the BRADY demon."

"The Brady demon?" Lexi says "I don't understand, how could there be a Brady demon? The Bradys are good people"

"Ah yes, that's what Satan wants you to think." Father Merrin explains "Bradys appear to be good. But they are really the highest form of evil!. They kill you with kindness. They make you trust them by being beyond nice to you, then turn on you and kill you."

"That's crazy!" Kayla says "I'm a Brady and I'm not possessed."

Father Merrin turns and touches Kayla's forehead with his crucifix. Suddenly smoke starts to pour from her ears. As Lexi watches in horror Kayla bursts into flames and disappears.

"OH MY GOD!" Lexi says "I don't believe it!"

"Oh get real!" Daniel snarls from the far corner of the room "Don't act like you haven't known all these years. The Bradys never go to jail, they never die, they never get into any real trouble. Don't you ever wonder why that is?"

"Umm because they are in league with Satan?" Lexie takes a stab at it

"Ding ding ding, give the little lady her prize." Daniel says sarcastically "And since the Brady's are 'too good to be true' it would be unthinkable for them to really curse. That's the reason for all the euphemisms instead of dirty words."

"But Bo was raised a Brady." Hope says "He thought he WAS a Brady for years. Why is the demon just now possessing him?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe because lately everyone has been pointing out that Bo isn't really a Brady. And since OMB died helping Bo live, it could be the demon has decided Bo is Brady enough and has decided to possess him now." Father Merrin explains

"Hope!" OMB's voice suddenly comes out of Bo "Why don't you bring me grand children round the pub fer some chowda!"

Hope screams in horror. As Father Merrin says a quick Hail Mary and tosses more holy water at Bo.

"ARRRG! It burns!" Bo screams, then suddenly Colleen's voice comes from him "Kind Fadda, ye'll be needin ta stop doin that ta me. Oi'm a good Catholic goil! I go ta charch and follow yer teachins ta the letter."

"Back demon!" Father Merrin yells "Back to the depths of Purgatory with you!"

"I thought demons came from Hell." Hope says

"Well normally they are" Brother Paul says as he scurries around handing Father Merrin things "But the Brady demon isn't that evil. It wants to be evil. In fact it aspires one day to be evil. But it just can't seem to cross that line between evil and stupidly annoying."

"I get it now!" Lexi says "The reason my father has been trying to kill the Bradys all these years! He knew they were all possessed and being a devout Catholic, he saw it as his sacred mission! To rid the world of stupid annoying people!"

"Your Aunt Colleen is sewing Hitler's socks in HELL!" Bo screams "Stuff mud up your nose you stinky cheese doodle headed barnacle buster!"

"Wow, he's getting serious." Hope says "Are you sure this will work?"

"It just takes time" Father Merrin says as he sprinkles holy water around.

"Well heaven knows since the regular writers are back, we have tons of that!" Lexi mutters under her breath

"Okay since all you geniuses seem to have this all figured out, I'm going to go ahead and go home." Daniel says "Have a nice life, losers."

Before any of them can react, Daniel disappears in a pillar of fire and smoke. The second after he is gone, Bo goes completely ballistic.

"You'll never get rid of me! I will never leave! You marshmallow toasted chunks of particle board! Pickle all of you kumquats! Take your Fraggle Rock holy water and stow it with your hand washables in your grocer's freezer section!" Bo writhes and twists on the bed "You have no power over me! I am Princess Toadstool! I am Barbie's other friend Midge! No one can expel me! I will hey diddle diddle your wop bob a loo bop your little lamsey diveys all over Engleburt Humperdink!"

Suddenly Bo falls silent. The room turns instantly cold. As everyone in the room watches, a mist rises from Bo's limp body. It rises towards the ceiling then hovers for a few seconds. Then disappears.

Bo's eyes flutter then open.

"Fancy face?" Bo says

"I'm right here Bo!" Hope rushes to his side "Oh thank God you're okay!"

Father Merrin turns to Brother Paul and nods. They pack up their things and quietly walk out.

Lexi smiles as she watches Bo and Hope. As she turns to leave she sees movement out of the corner of her eye. She turns in time to see Daniel standing in the hallway smiling. She goes out to say something but he's gone before she gets out the door. On the wall next to where he was standing, there's a note.
Lexi takes it and reads:

Don't forget, Sami's children are Bradys!


Blogger Applecheeks said...

Oh, Deb. I just had a chance to read today's blog. I'm still laughing hysterically. Those curses were beyond brilliant.

Good thing I didn't read this at work. I'm not sure I'd have been able to get back to my spreadsheets.

I see I've missed the one before this too. Since I have to go in and get some work tomorrow, I'm going to leave that one as my treat for going in.

Rock on! Glad you are really back in fighting shape.

March 14, 2008 at 6:44 PM  
Blogger Prevuze said...

OMG! If Richard Nixon had used expleteves-deleted like that, they would have forced him out of office much sooner.

Father Merrin turns and touches Kayla's forehead with his crucifix. Suddenly smoke starts to pour from her ears. As Lexi watches in horror Kayla bursts into flames and disappears.

If it were only that easy to get rid of them, crosses would be selling like hotcakes in Salem.

I think this has big-screen potential.

March 15, 2008 at 3:52 AM  

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