
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Cruise of No Reception

Sami and Lucas arrive at the hotel in Florida.
"Are you sure this is how the F-ol-ded leather pouch said we can end the v-e-ry bad grudge the Dimeras have against the Bradys?" Asks Sami
"That's what the paper said" Lucas looks around the lobby with his usual 'what's that smell' look on his face.

A gloved hand sets out a lobby poster reading: Dimera Family Reunion - Main Ballroom
"Look!" Sami shrieks "That must be it!"
Lucas runs over and stares at the sign. After several minutes he turns to Sami and says "Do you think we should go to the main ballroom? I think that might be just where they want us to go."
Sami pulls out her marriage license and checks again to make sure there isn't an insanity clause or an expiration date to get her out of this chicken outfit. No such luck.

They enter a large room filled with people, all women.
A nun, a business woman, a waitress, a nurse, a clown, a cop, a Vegas showgirl, a salvation army bell ringer, Cher, Diana Ross, Barbra Streisand, Liza Minnelli.......
None of this seems strange to the pair as they walk up to the front of the room and take the only two seats open.

The meeting begins as a spotlight hits the stage. The music from 2001 A Space Odyssey plays.
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,daaaaaaaaaaaaa.....DA DA....boomboomboomboomboom...........
Suddenly, Andre Dimera walks onto the stage.

Sami screams. Lucas leaps into action, stands up and stares. Real real hard.
"Sami!" he yells "Sami do you see that? I mean look! Can you believe it?"
"OMG Lucas, it's Andre!" Sami has her usual meltdown and runs around the room screaming and flapping her arms.
"Sami, are you seeing this? Look Sami! How can this be? What's going on here? What does this mean?" Lucas one
"ANDRE, ANDRE, ANDRE, ANDRE!" Sami is running around knocking people and things over screaming like......well like Sami

She runs into the nun who grabs her by the arms, "You should calm down dear, it's not good for the baby"
Sami looks at the nun.....It's Andre!!!
She screams loud enough to shatter glass and spins around to face the nurse...
"Yes, you need to be careful in your condition" nurse Andre says
Another ear splitting scream. Dogs in Alabama look up and cock their heads.
"Sami!" yells Lucas "What's wrong? Sami!" With blinding speed Lucas stands in one spot and dons his patented 'I need a laxative, NOW' look.

All the women in the audience stand up.....they're all Andre!!!
Onstage the "original" Andre stands laughing.

Meanwhile in Salem, Bo hangs up his phone.
"Fancy face, Sami isn't answering her phone, some thing's wrong"
Hope comes out of the kitchen with Ciera, "Bo! We have to get to Florida now!"
"Let's go!" Bo heads for the front door and holds it open "I'll call the airline on the way and get us a flight"
Hope puts Ciera down on the couch and they run out, leaving her there.

Ciera, sits for a few seconds looking at the door, then pulls a cell phone out of her diaper and hits a few buttons.
"Claire. You manage to get a flight back from Tucson? Good! Yeah they're gone, we have the whole place to ourselves. I'll get ahold of Pocket and have him swing by and pick up Artemis and DeMarquette. The party is ON!"



Blogger Applecheeks said...

By the time Ciara has hung up the phone, Ho & Dope are flagging down a cab outside the Boca Raton Municipal Airport. [It may only have one runway, but planes run non-stop 24/7 back & forth to Salem.]

They make it to the hotel and follow the sound of Sami's melt-down to the ballroom. Hope starts to open the door, but Snarly reaches out and stops her. "You shouldn't go in there, Fancy Face. It isn't safe."

"Listen Brady, we're in this together. I've faced dangerous situations before. I once had six pages worth of dialogue with OMB while the cue card union was out on strike. Let me tell you – the gals in hair & makeup had to work overtime to cover up the gray hairs that experience cost me!"

While the two of them argue about who should burst into the room first, Sami's wails have subsided to whimpers. She cowers in the corner, madly texting EJ to rescue her once again. Lucas is too busy disowning a faux-Andre-a dressed like Kate to notice.

Somewhere over the North American continent a space ship hovers. "Time to beam them up Captain?" asks Lt. China L'Hhuru. Captain Bart wipes the coconut cream pie off his chin and nods his assent.

"This is the Starship Enterprising Guys In The Sky calling the shuttle, Gemini. Are you in position, Rex?"

Rex leans over and gives his sister, Cassie, the thumbs up. "Yeah, China. We're ready to beam up all of our androids. Calling them 'Andre' was a stroke of genius on the part of Dr. Rolf. Between the Andres and the other DiMera androids we've managed to keep the population of Salem distracted from our real mission."

"Beam them all up, Rex. Time to implement our plan." Captain Bart orders. Dr. Rolf leans over the Captain's shoulder and cackles evilly, "Playing the buffoon while actually masterminding the entire caper had to be most satisfactory Captain. But I believe we need to go over the details of your plan again."

"As soon as the space twins make it back to the ship, we'll all meet in the ready room," Bart agreed. "But, really, the lynch-pin of this plan depends on......"


September 11, 2007 at 7:18 PM  

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