
Monday, March 17, 2008

Chloe's Real Audition

Chloe stands outside the Salem University Amphitheater and wonders just how many people there are standing there waiting to audition.

A thousand? Maybe two? She sighs and checks her sheet music one more time to make sure she hasn't changed her mind about which song she wants to use.

A couple hours later, Chloe sits in a large room full of chairs. She's made it past the first round of auditions and now must wait her turn to audition for the big judges.

As she sits quietly listening to her ipod, someone sits down next to her. She turns to see it is, Ryan Seacrest.

"Hi there," He smiles "I'm Ryan Seacrest, and the producers tell me you are quite a talent."

"Um, thank you." Chloe says "I hope the other judges like me."

"Well I am sure they will. So much in fact, we'd like to talk to you, film a little background on you and let our viewers get to know you." Ryan says

"All right," Chloe says "What do you want to know?"

"Everything" Ryan answers "Now are you from Salem?"

"Well not originally," Chloe says "I have had a pretty hard life, actually."

Several hours later, Ryan is back in his dressing room with an ice pack on his head. A knock on the door brings no response from him. The door opens and an assistant quietly says "Ryan?"

"Yeah, Bobby, I'm here, come on in." Ryan says

"I hope I'm not bothering you, but the director told me to bring you the shooting schedule for tomorrow and let you know we got the extra footage on that Chloe girl." Bobby says

"Oh God," Ryan groans "Don't even say that girl's name to me! Do you have any idea how messed up her story is?"

"Yeah I think I have some idea." Bobby says as he pulls out a disc and puts it into Ryan's laptop "I thought I'd show you some of the rough footage we shot today."

Ryan pulls the ice bag off his head and watches the screen. A few stock shots of Salem. Chloe pointing out this and that, normal stuff.

"Wait, stop right there." Ryan says

Belle comes up on the screen, and starts talking about Chloe.

"Well, at first she and my brother fought all the time, but later we all knew they were destined to be together. At least until she came back this time, and claimed she doesn't know where my brother is, or how he disappeared." Belle whines "I know she knows something, but she's not telling us the whole truth."

"Oh wonderful" Ryan sighs "Another drama queen."

"I don't think drama queen even begins to describe this chick." Bobby says "From what I was able to dig up, she has been causing trouble, lying, manipulating and scamming on people pretty much since the day she was born. She held off marrying her current husband for pretty close to a year because she had a 3 inch scar on her cheek."

"How exactly would a 3 inch scar keep her from marrying someone?" Ryan asks

"According to what we were able to find out, she was convinced it made her some kind of horrible deformed monster." Bobby answers

"A three inch scar?" Ryan says "Oh GOD, anything else? Or do I even want to know?"

"Oh just lots of people saying they don't trust her, they never know when she's lying or telling the truth, stuff like that." Bobby fast forwards through most of the footage.

"Oh wonderful" Ryan goes back to the ice bag "Do you know that idiot told me her ENTIRE life story? I swear if I have to hear the names Brady and Phillip one more time I am going to slice my throat."

"Well we can edit the footage and just show her doing the tour guide thing I guess." Bobby says

"Well unless you want to feature her on the next 18 shows, yeah that would be a good idea." Ryan says "But don't toss the footage, it will come in handy for the blooper section of the DVD."

"So you don't think she'll make it?" Bobby asks

Ryan smiles and lays back on the couch with his ice bag, "Oh trust me for once we are going to be thanking GOD for Simon Cowell."

Chloe stands outside the doors to the "big" audition. Ryan is chatting with her trying, (unsuccessfully) to keep her from whining.

"So, Chloe, are you nervous at all?" Ryan asks

"Well I have auditioned for Julliard and the Metropolitan Opera, so no not really" Chloe brags

"Well then our little show should just be glad you graced us with your presence then huh?" Ryan quips

Chloe looks a little confused then offended, but before she can respond, Ryan opens the door and tells her to go in.

Chloe walks into the room with her usual "I am so much better than you" attitude. Randy, Paula, and Simon of course aren't impressed.

"So Chloe, it says here you are an opera singer." Randy reads

"Well yes, but I can sing just about anything" Chloe says

"And why do you think you are the next American Idol?" Simon asks

"Well look at me!" Chloe brags "I am the total package, I can sing, I can dance, and of course I am beautiful."

"And not at all vain or self centered." Simon mumbles

"Excuse me?" Chloe is insulted

"What will you be singing today?" Randy interjects quickly

"I'll be singing an aria, of course. From Carmen." Chloe says, then launches into her performance.

As we all know, yes Chloe can sing, but today, well lets just say there's a problem. Without music behind her she starts out flat. And it just gets worse the longer she sings.

Randy starts to giggle. Paula slaps him. Simon is already sliding down in his chair hiding behind a bunch of papers trying to control his laughter. Paula slaps him. Randy has tears in his eyes and struggles to maintain control. Simon has given up trying and bursts into full fledged laughing out loud.

Chloe stops mid note and stares.

"What's wrong?" Chloe is confused

"Oh darling, where do I begin?" Simon tries to breathe "That was horrendous darling. Absolutely terrible."

"WHAT?" Chloe is shocked

"Really it was pretty pitchy" Randy says "And you don't sound like you mean what you are singing."

"You were very nice" Paula says "But I kind of agree with Randy, your heart isn't in what you are singing."

Chloe explodes when she hears this. "HE GOT TO YOU DIDN'T HE? You have been talking to Brady! He told me that! I don't sing with my heart. What the hell does that mean anyway? You people are crazy!"

"Well right now my dear YOU are the one who is ranting and raving, not us." Simon points out.

"Oh you haven't seen ranting and raving!" Chloe threatens "This is mild compared to what I am capable of!"

"Well at least you admit you are insane." Simon smirks

Chloe screams and runs at Simon. She almost makes it to him but is caught by security just in time. They wrestle her to the ground and handcuff her.
Chloe puts up a fight, but it's no use. Security leads her away kicking and screaming.

"Well that was interesting." Randy says

"I wonder how she'll react when she sees it on TV in a few months?" Simon muses "She made a complete ass out of herself."

"Something tells me meltdowns like that are nothing new for her." Paula observes.

"Well then, on to the next victim" Simon picks up the audition list "Ciara Brady. Someone tell her we are ready for her."


Blogger Applecheeks said...

HA! I might even watch an episode of Idol if they showed something like this.

That was a great scenario. Thanks, Deb.

March 17, 2008 at 12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are great. I read everyday. Don't know how you can come up with some of this stuff.

March 18, 2008 at 4:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That explains Chloe all the way. Diva with an attitude.

March 18, 2008 at 9:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When did they start speaking JAPANEASE in CHINA?

March 26, 2008 at 10:08 AM  

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