
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My Name Is Chelsea

"You know the kind of girl who does nothing but bad things and then wonders why her life sucks? Well, that was me. Every time something good happened to me, something bad was always waiting around the corner. Karma. That's when I realized I had to change. So I made a list of everything bad I'd ever done, and one by one I'm going to make up for all my mistakes. I'm just trying to be a better person. My name is Chelsea."

Chelsea comes down the stairs at Bo and Hope's house. Shawn and Claire are sitting on the couch watching Sponge Bob.

"No Daddy!" Claire says "Sponge Bob is a SPONGE. That's why he dries out whenever he goes into Sandy's dome"

Shawn looks confused. "So Sandy can't breathe under water, but she lives under water."

Claire rolls her eyes and tries to explain, then she sees Chelsea.

"Aunt Chelsea!" Claire says "Are you all better from helping Grandpa?"

"Yes baby I am," Chelsea picks up Claire and hugs her. Shawn sits on the sofa laughing at the TV.

Chelsea notices the mail on the table and picks it up. There is an invitation in the pile. As she reads it, Chelsea is shocked.

"Shawn! When did Max and Stephanie decide to get married?" Chelsea asks

"Huh? Oh a week ago I guess." Shawn goes back to his cartoon

"Hmm, that give me an idea." Chelsea says to herself. She pulls out her list and reads it over. There it is, #57 - Did anything and everything to break up Max and Stephanie. Chelsea knew if she made their wedding really special, it would make up for how badly she treated Stephanie and how hard she tried to make sure Max didn't go out with her.

Chelsea flashes back to writing "WHORE" on Stephanie's locker. Trying to make Max jealous by pretending to be a big skank ho with a bunch of other guys. Making up all kinds of disasters so Max would notice her. Yep this would be her next project.

Then Chelsea notices the invitation is addressed to Shawn and Belle. She looks through the pile to see if there is one for her.

"Shawn didn't an invitation come for me?" Chelsea asks.

"I don't think so." Shawn says "That one says Shawn and Belle and one guest as long as it isn't Chelsea"

Chelsea is disappointed. But not surprised. Then she notices the date. "May 22nd? That's my birthday!!! Why are they getting married on MY birthday!!"

"Huh?" Shawn was engrossed in Sponge Bob again "I don't know, because that's the only day Sami doesn't already have the church reserved for?"

"But that means everyone is going to be at the wedding and I won't have anyone to celebrate my birthday with! That's not fair!" Chelsea says

"Aunt Chelsea," Claire says "Karma"

Chelsea realizes Claire is right. She's turning this into something about her again. Just like she always did. But not this time.

"I'll be back later" Chelsea calls to Shawn as she hurries out the door.

Shawn sort of waves and says "Yeah, okay....Claire, hurry they're going to do the 'Weenie Hut Jr.' song!!! I love that one!!!"

Chelsea is glad the Cheating Heart is fairly empty when she gets there. She goes to the bar and sits down. Max looks a little surprised to see her.

"Max," Chelsea begins "Look I understand you not wanting me to come to your wedding, but I promise I am a changed person. I just want you and Stephanie to be happy. And I want to help you guys plan the wedding so it will be really special"

"I don't know Chelsea" Max sighs "You know Stephanie likes you, but you just seem to be so two faced lately."

"I know and I feel real bad about that!" Chelsea whines "I have changed though, and I really want to come to your wedding."

"But what about your birthday?" Max smirks "You're going to sit there and tell me that didn't sting just a little?"

"Well yes, at first" Chelsea said "But I realize you guys didn't do it to be vindictive, so it's no big deal."

Max has to turn around to stifle a huge grin, "Yeah we weren't trying to ruin your day, *snicker*, why would we do that? *snort, chuckle*"

Chelsea doesn't notice the sarcasm, "So where is Steph today?"

"Oh she's over at the bridal shop picking out a dress." Max says

"Great, I'm going over there to talk to her and offer to help." Chelsea rushes out the door as Max watches and laughs to himself.

Chelsea gets to the bridal shop just as Stephanie is walking in. "Steph!" She calls "Look I just want to apologize for all the bad stuff I've done to you. And if you let me help with your wedding, then I can cross you and Max off my list. So what can I do to help?"

Stephanie is a little skeptical, but starts to think about what her wedding would be if she lets her only other "friend" Morgan help her....."Okay Chels, you help me out and we will call it even."

Chelsea and Stephanie go into the shop together. As Stephanie tries on dresses, Chelsea is on the phone non stop. A flurry of phone calls and dresses pass the next few hours.

"Okay, I called Sami and got the names of all her wedding people" Chelsea says triumphantly "And we are all set for the caterer, the photographer, and the flowers"

Stephanie is smiling but looking a little sad.

"What's wrong?" Chelsea asks

"I love this dress," Stephanie says "But it's $5000! And with my mom on maternity leave and my dad . . . well being my dad, I can't afford this one!"

"Nonsense!" Chelsea says. She goes up to the sales lady and whispers something to her. The lady looks shocked, then quickly jots something down on a piece of paper. She hands it to Chelsea, who looks it over, and writes something herself. She hands it back to the lady who looks like someone just shot her. Chelsea taps the paper and gives the lady a stern look. The lady nods and sighs deeply.

"What was that all about?" Stephanie asks

"I made sure you got the Sami Brady discount." Chelsea smiles "That dress is now $500."

"OH MY GOD!" Stephanie is shocked "Thank you Chelsea!"

"Think nothing of it," Chelsea says "The caterer has agreed to give you a huge break on the food, prime rib of course. And my Grandpa Kiriakis says we can use the ballroom at the Penthouse Grill for the reception, free of charge.
The flowers will be thrown in as his gift."

"Chelsea, you are amazing!" Stephanie says "How can I ever thank you?"

"You already did," Chelsea says "It's worth it to me to be able to cross you off my list."

"Well then you have my permission to do just that!" Stephanie says. "Hey Chelsea, do you think I could see your list? I think it is so cool that you are going to make up for all the bad stuff you've done."

"Sure Steph" Chelsea hands her the list "I have some crossed off already, but I still have a long way to go. And I am going to do each and every one of them."

Stephanie reads over the list, smiling at a few things here and there. Then her expression changes. She frowns a little and looks at Chelsea.

"Did you say you are determined to do EVERYTHING on this list?" Stephanie asks

"I pretty much have to." Chelsea answers "If I don't I won't be paying Karma back."

"So you have every intention of doing #174?" Stephanie asks

"Well, yeah, if it's on the list." Chelsea says

"And the way you do that is to do something you didn't do, or give something back you took, or apologize in some way right?" Stephanie grits her teeth as she talks

"Umm, yes, Steph what's wrong?" Chelsea says hesitantly

Stephanie suddenly spins around and slaps Chelsea across the face. She throws the list and storms off. "Get away from me Chelsea! You haven't changed and you never will!!"

Chelsea is shocked. She picks up her list and reads it. Then she sees #174 and her heart skips a beat.

#174 - Teased Max for over a year, by promising to sleep with him and never did.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMAO! That's our Chelsea...even when she tried to do good...she just doesn't. This may be my favorite, yet!

March 18, 2008 at 10:10 AM  
Blogger Applecheeks said...

Lot's of laughs over Shawn and Spongebob. Of course, I hate to be too judgmental. Never having watched the cartoon I might need Claire to explain it to me too. HAHAHAHA

March 18, 2008 at 7:52 PM  

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