
Friday, September 14, 2007

It's Party Time!

Salem is in chaos! Roman is missing, Andre is on the loose, Stefano is naturally the story switches to...

Max and Stephanie discussing their new relationship

Max is looking deep into Steph's eyes "Ever since you came back from Dayton, or Daytona or wherever you were, you seem different, I just can't figure out what it is."

"Me neither" says Steph "I just woke up one day and I felt like a different person."

Meanwhile in the "Kate Zone":

Jeremy walks in. The poker game is still going on. Doug is studying his cards as the table waits.

"OH COME ON AND BID" says Julie "I swear if you took this long in bed we wouldn't keep getting divorced."

Maggie and Caroline have a good laugh at this. Adrienne looks up from the table and notices Jeremy.

"Hey! About time you showed up!" she says "I hear you actually had a few lines this week"

"Yeah a few" say Jeremy

He sits down and they deal him in.

"Caroline, did you manage to get the next set of letters typed up?" asks Julie

"No, I decided to let Shawn mess with them a little" Caroline explains "I had him go to the funeral, knowing no one would ask where I was, and told him to just sit and ramble, he should be good at that."

The whole table laughs.

Meanwhile over at Bo and Hope's the party is on.
Artemis and DeMarquette are dancing with Ciera and Claire while Pocket plays DJ
They of course have all turned into college age kids and are boozing it up pretty well.
The door opens and Chelsea, Max and Stephanie come in.

"See, I told you we'd find a party!" says Steph

"Hell yeah cuz!" says Chelsea "Let's dance!"

Chelsea and Steph hit the dance floor using moves that would make Beyonce' blush. Max goes over and helps Pocket on the tunes.

Pocket, nudges Max and they watch Chelsea and Steph.

"So Uncle Max, you dated both of em, which one should I go for?"

"Hey, did you forget Steph is kinda your sister?" Asks Max

"AND??" Says Pocket "That"

"It doesn't" laughs Max "Just had to point it out. Anyway, I'm kinda with her now so you can have Chelsea"

"Works for me. You got this? I'm goin in." Pocket tosses Max the headphones and hits the dance floor.

"Hey pretty lady? Wanna find out why they call me Pocket?" Says Pocket as he slides up and starts dancing with Chelsea

From the top of the stairs the twins, Roman and Colleen (about 11 or 12 yrs old) watch quietly.
"I can't wait till we're that old in a few months" sighs Roman

Colleen looks at him and smiles, then turns away with an evil grin on her face.
"Yes little brother. Just keep watching them......... as they die." Colleen whispers to herself as she pulls on a pair of black leather gloves......



Blogger Unknown said...

Colleen heads down the stairs and sneaks past Salem's grooviest teens and tweens into the kitchen.

She digs around under the sink until she finds the stash of Ecstacy that she stole from the Salem PD evidence room. She then finds Hope's punch bowl and the ingredients for punch. She proceeds to make punch and then giggles as she adds her secret ingredient.

Colleen carries the punch into the rockin' living room and announces, "Refreshments everyone!"

She stands back to watch as the group scrambles to the punch bowl cause nobody wants to be the last hog to the trough.

Her twin Roman looks as if he's constipated while he watches from the top of the stairs. He knows the evil one is up to something, like the time she shaved his eyebrows off while he was sleeping.

What to do, what to do.

Roman pulls out his cell phone and calls....

September 15, 2007 at 10:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...the Salem PD to report that Pocketman is pursuing his 1st cousin Chelsea (you know; since Philip & Bo are half-bro's and all...)

January 17, 2008 at 1:29 PM  

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