
Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Men of DOOL!

Building on my comment yesterday on Prevuze, I proudly present,

Hotter than Dr. Daniel, OH YEAH!

Let's get started shall we:

From my own hometown, Chillicothe IL, Josh Tayloer aka Roman Brady makes us all think older guys are pretty hot.

This might be an older picture, but oh my, isn't Drake Hogestyn or John Black good to look at?

Yo ho ho, I'll take me a bottle of Steven Nichols aka Patch!

Wasting away in prison, don't worry Bryan Dattilo aka Lucas Roberts; We'll wait for you!!

Again an older picture, but like a fine wine Peter Reckell aka Bo Brady just gets better with age!

Brains and HOTness do go together when it comes to Blake Barris aka Nick Fallon

But then again, who needs brains when you're as hot as Brandon Beemer aka Shawn Brady?

The English accent may just drive me over the edge. Quite possibly the HOTTEST man on DOOL or any other soap, James Scott aka EJ Wells, takes home that title!!

And speaking of accents, admit it ladies, at one time or another you have thought about what it would be like to have a Thaao Penghlis aka Andre/Tony Dimera sandwich!!!

I'll take commands from this ex Marine, any day!! Jay Kenneth Johnson aka Phillip Kiriakis knows how to lead!

Last but OMG not even close to the LEAST, MMMMMMM says it all when you are talking about Darin Brooks aka Max Brady!


Blogger Applecheeks said...

Well, that woke me up! And was that a hot flash I just experienced or the heat from my computer screen??

Thanks, Deb.

(PS - Philip's picture didn't come up for me. Boo Hoo)

March 20, 2008 at 12:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You really out did your self this time. The only guys that's missing are Victor and Stephano. I like mature older men.

March 20, 2008 at 4:16 PM  
Blogger Applecheeks said...

Ah! Thanks! Much better and worth a few visits in the future when I need to get my blood pumping.

March 20, 2008 at 7:06 PM  

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