
Thursday, September 27, 2007

Fast Times At Salem High

It's the first day of school at good ol Salem High.

Stephanie and Abby stand by their lockers comparing schedules.

"Eww, math class first hour" whines Stephanie "I'll die!"

"Well at least you don't have History with Mr. Horton!" answered Abby "He just goes on and on and on about nothing"

"Sigh I can't wait for high school to be over" Stephanie pouts "then we can start to have real fun"

"Steph the kind of fun you want to have. . . "Abby is interrupted by Belle running up.

"Oh wow guys!" Belle gasps "High school is like so OMG!!"

Steph and Abby smile and look at each other. "FRESHMEN!" they say together

"Hey!" says Belle indignantly "I'm not a baby! I even have a boyfriend who's out of school! Shawn Brady!"

"Oh wow," Abby gushes "He is so hot! You are like so lucky!"

"No kidding" says Steph "The guys here are like so immature. Older guys rock!"

"Yeah it would be even more cool if his bratty little sister would stop telling on us all the time" Bell whines "Chelsea is such a snot! Their mom makes him take her everywhere he goes so he can watch her. It just sucks."

"Yeah I know" Stephanie says "My mom got this baby fever thing going a few weeks ago and now we have this little rugrat she adopted. They can't even figure out what to name him, so we call him POCKET of all things. The house always smells like dirty diapers! I can't even bring any friends over because they might wake the baby.

"Well at least you don't have to watch your parents slobber all over each other in public like mine do!" said Belle "I swear if I wake up and they are naked on the sofa again, I am going to puke!"

"EWWWWWWW" Steph and Abby say together

The bell rings just then and the girls walk down the hallway, laughing and talking.

Meanwhile over at Salem Jr. High Phillip Kiriakis stands outside waiting.
Will Roberts runs up out of breath, "Sorry! My mom made me take out the garbage before I left"

"Yeah, we all got problems" Phillip rolls his eyes "Come on, we have to get to class"

"Hang on" Says Will "This new kid moved into our building and I promised my mom I'd show him around school today"

"Oh yeah? What grade" asks Phillip

"Pft 5th!" sneers Will "But he's like all European and smart. He's supposed to be in like 4th grade but he skipped about a million grades and now he's in 6th with us."

"Oh great, just what we need" moaned Phillip "some little brainiac loser following us around"

"And get this!" laughed Will "His name is ELVIS!"

"Elivs??"Phillip says, shocked "You mean like as in Viva Las Vegas Elvis? OH DUDE that is just wrong!"

"Excuse me gentlemen, would one of you fellows happen to be William?"

Will turns to see Elvis J Banks standing in front of him wearing a Brooks Brother's suit and carrying a briefcase.

"Oh DUDE, somebody kill me now" Will moaned

Phillip is laughing so hard he can't breathe. He grabs Will by the shoulder for support and manages to catch his breath.

"So ELVIS? How are things at Graceland?"
Will tries to stifle his laugh but finally gives in and joins Phillip in laughing so hard they both double over.

"Ah, yes" EJ says "You are of course referring to the American rock and roll singer I am named after. An unfortunate result of my mother's obsession with the man. However I do prefer to be called EJ. So as to spare myself reactions such as yours. So in the future if you would be so kind as to introduce me as such, I would be very grateful."

This little speech just makes Will and Phillip laugh that much harder
"OH DUDE STOP!" Phillip pants "I - I - I think I am gonna pass out!"
"I can't breathe!" Will gasps

EJ stands and stares as the boys continue to laugh uncontrollably

"Perhaps the mention of my father's name will qwell your amusement. I belive you know him, Stefano Dimera?" EJ says

At the mention of Stefano's name both boys stop mid laugh. They look at EJ shocked.

"Did you say your old man is Stefano Dimera?" asks Will

"Yes, I do believe thats what I said" EJ replies

Will and Philip regain their composure on the spot and give each other a raised eyebrow look.

"Yeah, okay, EJ then" says Phillip "Come on, we need to go to class"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! This is hilarious!

October 8, 2007 at 5:03 PM  

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