
Saturday, September 22, 2007

Alices Donunts

Alice Horton sits alone in her wheelchair. She reflects back on her wonderful fulfilling life and looks at all the pictures she has on her wall.

Fond memories. Memories, she hated that word. She looks at her and Tom's wedding picture and wonders why she can't remember her life before that. She remembers being on a fishing boat, and then coming to America, and meeting Tom. She sighs and wonders if she will ever remember.

Outside her window OMB stands in the rain. "Colleen" he whispers "why did I ever think I could just stand back and let you not remember? Now it's about to come apart and I don't know how to stop it."

He remembers the night Santo walked into the fish market OMB was working in.
He had a fol-ded leather pouch in his hand.

"What are YOU doing here?" asked Shawn

"I am looking for my beloved Colleen" Santo replied "I know she is here, I paid a detective, one who was NOT on the Salem PD, to find her"

"Colleen is dead!" yelled Shawn "She died that day on the cliff"

"Oh really? Then why do I have these?" he reaches in the fol-ded leather pouch and pulls out a stack of papers
"This is a report from a group of Swedish fishermen who said they found a young woman floating in the water off the coast of Ireland. They revived her and she couldn't remember who she was."

"And what does that have to do with Colleen?" asked Shawn

"That young woman WAS Colleen" said Santo
He pulls out pictures of Colleen on a boat, then in a house, then on a ship.

Behind her on the life preserver of the ship you can clearly see the word:

"These pictures are faked!" said Shawn "Colleen is dead. You killed her!"

"No Shawn, you killed her." Santo accused "You and your lies. You told her my wife was still alive."

"That's because she was!"Shawn yelled "You are a cheating bastard who used my sister!"

Outside the fish market little Stefano stands watching through a window.
He turns around with that little evil grin on his face, looking a lot like Damien from the Exorcist. He pulls on a pair of black leather gloves and holds out a shiny new lorrie, just like the one he had back in Ireland.
He places it in a box and sits it outside the door, it begins ticking.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI Deb.I am enjoying the story :) Keep it up. I found your site through prevuze ;)

September 24, 2007 at 1:01 AM  

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