
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Stephano Phones Home

Tony Soprano sits in his study reading the racing form, when his phone rings.

"Yeah, wadda ya want?" Tony hates being interrupted

"Cousin Tony, it's Stefano, I need your help."

Tony pauses for a second, and sighs deeply, "Who gave you this number?"

"Cousin Tony," Stefano continues "My mother was your father's sister! We are family, and I need your help"

"Stefano, I have done all I can for you. I gave you the Salem territory and you have done nothing but make mistakes at every turn" Tony scolds "Tell me are all the Bradys dead? No, and why? Because you tolerate incompetence."

"But Tony!" Stefano says "I have done all I can! I have kidnapped them, blackmailed them, brainwashed them, turned them against each other . . ."

"Everything but killed them right?" Tony asks "Every think of that? Just kill them?"

"Well, yes, but I, well, there wouldn't be any drama in that would there?" Stefano stammers

"DRAMA? What? You think this is some kind of soap opera here?" Tony shouts "Just kill them all and get it over with!"

"But my son, EJ" Stefano explains "He has fallen in love with one of the Bradys. I must ensure his happiness"

"EJ?" Tony throws his paper across the room "That idiot? Your adult son can't handle his love life and you have to change your entire life to make him happy? And what is with you calling him EJ anyway? You only do that to be more like me don't you? I call my son AJ you call yours EJ. Enough with trying to be like me, you'll never be me, you don't have the cajones!!"

"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT!" Stefano roars "Don't you know the power I have?"

"Power?" Tony laughs "My wife Carmela has more power than you! You really want to end this vendetta thing, I'll send Paulie, Bobby and Johnny Sack to Salem tonight and this whole thing will be over by morning. Bada bing bada boom, no more Bradys"

"I am telling you I have this under control!" Stefano says "I just need your help to get rid of Lucas Roberts, then I will be able to carry out the rest of my plan"

"You can't get rid of a little insect like Lucas Roberts without my help?" Tony laughs "And you expect me to think you have this under control?"

"Well yes," Stefano replies "Then Samantha and EJ can get married and take over for me."

"What happened to Andre?" Tony asks "I send you my best soldier and what do you do? You stop him every time he gets close to doing his job? And speaking of soldiers, why do you insist on hiring idiots like Bart? All he did was get himself killed and now you don't even have him?"

"The Bradys happened to Andre" Stefano explains "The Bradys are the reason for everything!"

"All the more reason I should send my boys to finish this" Tony explains "I tell you what, we'll take out ONE of the Bradys for you. Then see if you can't handle the rest"

"Fine" Stefano says, "I choose John Black, his death will cripple Marlena, who in turn will turn against Sami and blame her, and then I will take it from there."

"Done," Tony says "You want I should make it look like an accident?"

"NO!" Stefano says, "I want the Bradys to know it was anything but an accident"

"Okay, but if this doesn't end things I am sending in my boys" Tony warns

"Fine, it is done" Stefano says

They hang up.

"Well my dear, does that make you happy?" Stefano asks

Belle sits in a chair across from Stefano and files her nails.

"Yeah, for now" she says "Once my dad is out of the way maybe my mom will pay more attention to me. And then my stupid sister will blame EJ and then I can get him to kill Shawn for me and I will finally be free! I never realized how hard acting stupid can be!"

"You think that's hard? Try acting like a 2 yr old" Claire walks in with a bottle of champagne "Lets toast to our freedom mom!"

Claire, Belle and Stefano toast as a dark figure watches from outside the window.


Blogger Mike said...

Damn, Deb, you should be the head writer. Your story lines are GREAT. With you and Prevuze, who needs DOOL.

October 10, 2007 at 6:14 AM  

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