
Thursday, October 4, 2007

V For. . .That V Word

Stefano pours himself a drink in his drawing room, and raises his glass in a toast.

"To the Bradys" He says "May they rest in peace"
He downs his drink and turns to see Benji walking into the room.

"AH Benjamin! I see reports of your death were greatly exaggerated, congratulations on a wonderful performance!" Stefano says as he raises his glass to toast Benji

Benji rolls his eyes "How hard could it be to play dead? I've been playing deaf all these years!"

"Well you have done well, my son!" Stefano continues "Our plan to destroy the Bradys using LEGAL means is right on track"

"Well I have done my part, now you have to do yours. You'll leave me alone forever right?" Benji asks

"Of course my son! You know I always keep my word" Stefano replies

"Yeah, right..." Benji rolls his eyes again.

"Benjamin, have you forgotten? The plan is for the Brady family to destroy itself by freaking out trying to prove WE are the evil ones"

"Yes father," Benji says "You have Steve Johnson in jail and soon you will let Kayla Johnson try to kill you with mal-practice."

"Corrrrrect!" Stefano blusters "Then we will trap Roman and Bo in a false arrest conspiracy, so they lose their badges. Then of course THEY will seek revenge, and I will have them!"

"I know, then John Black will die when you switch all the traffic signals to change as soon as he crosses the street." Benji says

"Now son, you know I will have nothing to do with those signals! They will malfunction all on their own. John Black's demise will be a result of him not opening his eyes wide enough to see them change." Stefano explains

"Finished those signals boss!" Bart enters wearing a lineman uniform and a tool belt. He is leaving a trail of tools as he walks across the room.

"Thank you Bart, that will be all." Stefano says

"Cool, the cook just made some pie and boy oh boy am I hungry" Bart rushes out of the room.

"Yeah, some accident" Benji mutters under his breath

"Okay okay," Stefano says "So I made sure a mental incompetent got a job on the Salem public works dept. Like that wasn't hard."

"Hey, I am not saying a word" Benji shakes his head and leaves the room

"Soon the Bradys will all be either dead or in prision for life," Stefano brags to an empty room "And none of it will be at MY hand"

"No father you will be completely innocent" Andre says as he enters "I however will be blamed for resurrecting the vendetta."

"Please please, enough with the V word my son" Stefano winces at the word VENDETTA!

"Fine, father. But how do we know the Brady's will self destruct like you say they will?" Asks Andre

"Because they are idiots," Stefano explains "They will fall all overthemselves trying to blame all this on me, and in doing so they will seal their own fates. One by one."

"And Samantha Brady will marry my son and the children she bears will be raised as Dimeras." Stefano beams with success.

"But father, aren't you forgetting about . . . Marlena?" Asks Andre

"Marlena will do as she is told" Stefano slams down his glass on the bar "Marlena Evans will be my bride."

"But won't that make Sami and EJ brother and sister?" Andre asks "How will you get them to stay together once they are?"

"That," says Stefano "is the beauty of my plan. They will stay together and shame Shawn Brady Sr. into stress he never knew existed!"

Stefano pours himself another drink and laughs.

"But the best part wil be......"


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