
Saturday, November 3, 2007

Writers? We Don't Need No Stinking Writers

Its the day of Sami and EJ's wedding.

In Vegas the odds makers are laying 3-1 that Sami will call it off, 2-1 that EJ will be shot, and 1-1 that the DOOL audience doesn't care anymore and wishes they would just get it over with.

Out in the hallway Stefano greets guests. Cousin Tony Soprano, Cousin Vito from Corleone, Cousin Victoria and her three sons.

Sami sits in the bridal room whining and sobbing. Marlena sits in the corner cleaning a gun muttering incoherently to herself.

Roman comes in and sits next to Sami. "Well here we are again," he quips "guess the old father -daughter advice for marriage has been covered a few times huh?"

Sami looks at him and laughs "Oh Daddy you always say the nicest things!"

Outside Lucas sits in a car parked across the street, polishing a gun.
"Yeah you slimeball, steal my wife will you?" he mutters. His cell phone rings "MOM! Okay I forget have I disowned you yet this week? I have, okay well then I forgive you, now what do you want?

Kate sits in the Cheatin Heart swaying on a bar stool as she yells into the cell phone "Lucas!! Lucas don't do anything stupid. No wait, I mean don't do what you usually do. No that didn't come out right either. Okay I have it, don't miss when you shoot!"

Inside the church EJ runs around laughing and posing for pictures. He is carrying Johnny around with him, showing him off like a prize he'd won at the carnival.

"My SON!" EJ shouts to a person passing with a camera and not stopping to take a picture. "Don't you want a picture of the Dimera heir?"

Stefano comes up behind him and slaps him on the back. "AH Elvis my son, I see you are showing the good people of Salem the future of the the Dimera family"

"Of course Father!" EJ smiles like he's the star of a toothpaste commercial.

Flash bulbs go off and the three generations pose for the camera.

Celeste watches from the corner of the church. She stares at the cozy little family scene and whispers to herself. "NO Theo, I will not let this Brady child take away your birthright! YOU are the first born Dimera grandson, and it is YOU who will inherit the dynasty." She pulls a gun out of her purse.

Over at the Salem PD, Bo stands in front of a large group of police. He points to a map showing the interior of St. Lukes church.
"Okay here's where the biggest threat comes from" Bo points to the map "this exit here may be come clogged when everyone exits the church. So the best way to get out of the church and over to this point, " Bo smacks a Krispy Kreme logo across the street from the church "is to just duck out the back door as soon as you hear the music start"

"But sir" an officer raises his hand "won't that make it hard to stop anyone trying to kill Mr. Demera?"
"No, " says Bo "It will make it easier for us to rush over there afterwards and wander around the crime scene disturbing evidence and erasing any chance of ever finding out who really shot him! Haven't you been paying attention?"

Back over at the church, Steve and Kayla sit in the back. Steve is cleaning his nails with a huge Bowie knife and singing "Mack the Knife" under his breath.
"mmm scarlet pillows, start to spread. Someones, sneaking round the corner...."
Kayla looks at him "STEVE! This is a church! You shouldn't be doing that!"

"Oh I'm so sorry sweetness," Steve apologizes. He puts the knife back into is jacket, pulls out a revolver and checks to make sure it's loaded "is this better?" He asks, and starts twirling the gun.

"Much" says Kayla and hugs his arm grinning

In the bridal room, Belle fusses with her bouquet. Chelsea comes in and watches her for a few minutes.
"No no no," Chelsea says "You have to hide the muzzle of the gun inside a ROSE, otherwise you'll be able to see it"

Belle smiles and says "Thanks Chelsea, I'm so glad you are good at killing people, I only know how to lie and whine"

"Ah think nothing of it" Chelsea blushes "You'll get used to it, after all you are marrying a Brady right?"

"Yep" Belle beams "And keeping a Kiriakis on the side!"

The girls giggle and start working on Belle's bouquet.

Sami emerges from the dressing room.
"Well?" She asks Belle and Chelsea "Do I look okay? The bridal shop gave me a buy 5 get the 6th dress free discount, so I got the most expensive dress they had"

"You look perfect" Belle gushes
"Beautiful, like always." Chelsea"

"Okay then" Sami sighs "Lets get this over with"

Sami walks out the door followed by Belle and Chelsea. Behind her a black gloved hand appears from behind the curtains in the room.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Using his ISA training and the experience he gained from trying to shoot Alex North, Squints (come on now, you didn't really think he was dead did you, you silly goose??, hiding in the church balcony slowly raises the rifle to aim.

"Being "dead" is the perfect alibi" he thinks as he steadies the rifle and puts the "X" of the gun's sight right on EJ. "I can get away with murder. Literally!"

But just before his finger squeezes the trigger....


November 3, 2007 at 11:04 AM  
Blogger Deb said...

Squint feels a hand on his shoulder.

It's Marlena.

Her eyes are glazed over with passion. She smiles at him. He's torn between his mission to kill EJ and his desire to throw down with Marlena and have a big ol' geezer sex fest.

"I knew you could never leave me" Marlena whispers

"Doc, I can't I have to kill EJ"
Squint tries to resist.

Marlena moves in closer and strokes the barrel of his rifle....(insert joke).

Suddenly his trigger finger tightens and the gun goes off.

There's a scream inside the sanctuary. From their hiding place Doc and Squint stare in horror.

Sami is standing at the alter with a horrified look on her face.
She's screaming hysterically....


November 3, 2007 at 11:43 AM  
Blogger Applecheeks said...

...there's a commotion at the door. In walks Scarface. He surveys the sparse, but well-armed crowd, and announces, "I present the REAL Dimera heirs."

Two small figures peek out from behind Scarface - Artemis & Demarquette.

"This is ABSURD!", roars Stefano!

Sami forgets to blubber and just stares at the group in the entryway. EJ flutters his eyelids and arches an eyebrow.

"What do you mean by this ridiculous claim?" the senior Dimera demands.

Just as the tension reaches the breaking point, Scarface flourishes behind him and announces: "The childrens' mother!"

In walks a tall, beautiful, blonde haired woman. Everyone gasps [GASP]!!

"Well, I'll be damned," Squints mutters as he eases his finger off the trigger. It's Kristen!"

Stephno stumbles toward the vision, "My darling daughter! I thought you were dead! What is the meaning of this?"

"Even though I was banished to the Kate Zone, a.k.a., sold into white slavery when I left to work at Y&R, I charmed my way to the top. I married the Poobah of Koohbar and these two are our children."

She turns and takes in the entire scene at the church. "I don't give a fig about this marriage, these Salemites or the so-called v-word. I just wanted to make sure everyone knew who is really entitled to the Dimera dynasty. Combined with my husband's, it will be the biggest power-base in the world."

Everyone sits (or stands, or squints) frozen for several long seconds.


November 3, 2007 at 12:34 PM  
Blogger Applecheeks said...

Oops! Deb snuck in there while I was composing my masterpiece. HAHAHA

November 3, 2007 at 12:35 PM  
Blogger Deb said...

Applecheeks, that's okay, DOOL switches scenes like that all the time, so we were just being consistant!

November 3, 2007 at 1:32 PM  
Blogger Deb said...

As everyone stares at Kristen and the boys, Sami starts to scream again.

Isn't anyone going to do anything about........Grandpa??
He was just shot!!

Everyone now turns their attention to OMB, sitting in the first pew holding his arm.

"It's okay everyone, I'm just wounded!" He says, then faints.

Dr. Rolf runs up and accesses the situation. "This man, has been shot! He needs to go to the hospital"

Sami runs to OMB's side. "I knew it, I knew this vendetta would never end"

Lucas runs up to Sami and pulls her away from her grandfather.
"Now do you see, we should never have gotten a divorce! This will never end no matter what you do!"

"OH Lucas!!" Sami sobs "I just wanted to keep my family safe, and now that Artemus and DeMarquette are the real Dimera heirs it won't matter what I do. This vendetta will never end."

"THAT is not true!" A booming voice comes from the back of the church

Everyone looks up to see Michael Corleone himself standing there.

Stefano turns white and falls on one knee. He reaches up and drags EJ down as well "SHOW RESPECT you fool!"

"Don Corleone" Stefano stammers "We are honored by your presence."

Michael slowly walks up the aisle as the wedding guests stare.
He goes to Stefano and looks down on him.
"You have made a mockery of "The Family" for the last time"

"But, but, I was just doing my father's bidding" Stefano says

"I declare this blood vendetta is over!"

"You can't do that!" EJ stands up and faces Michael "I am going to marry this woman and re-build the Dimera dynasty!"

"Elvis," Michael says quietly "I had such hopes for you. But you chose your own desires over the good of "The Family" and that I cannot allow"
He grabs EJ and kisses him on both cheeks.
"You broke my heart Elvis. And for that you will be punished"

Stefano grabs his chest and falls over, "Nooooooo"

"Father!" EJ rushes to Stefano's side but is stopped by two huge goons who each grab an arm and pull him out the door.

"We're going for a little ride" one of them says

EJ starts whining and begging, "Please don't do this, I only wanted to make my father happy! Please! Tony! We are cousins, can't you just give me a break? For old time's sake?"

Tony Soprano smiles coldly and shakes his head. The goons haul EJ out the door.

Sami stands at the alter with her mouth open. Michael walks up and takes her arm.
"Now, my lovely, you will be MY wife, and begin our own dynasty"

Lucas freaks out. "No WAY pal! Get you hands off my wife, you'll marry her over my dead body"

"Okay, have it your way" Michael says cooly. He signals one of his men who pulls out a gun and drags Lucas out a side door, a shot rings out and the man comes back into the sanctuary. "All done boss"

"Good" Michael turns to the priest and says "Now Father, let's do this"


November 3, 2007 at 1:55 PM  

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