
Thursday, January 10, 2008

I Know What You Did And I Really Don't Care

Celeste stands in front of a bubbling cauldron in the middle of the Salem dump.
As she stirs the boiling pot, a rat scurries up to the edge of the fire. Suddenly it squeals and drops dead.

"Serves you right." Celeste says as she kicks the rat to the edge of a large pile of old beer cans. "STEFANO! get over here!"

"Relax relax," Stefano picks his way through the litter and garbage " aren't you ready yet?"

"Yes, Stefano" Celeste answers "The potion is ready, and the stars are aligned. The spirits are ready to do my bidding. Now if you'd just give me some kind of hint as to what we are doing, I could get on with this."

"Excellent. Soon I will have my second soldier and I will be unstoppable." Stefano does his patented evil laugh.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna rule the world, blah blah blah. Destroy the Bradys yadda yadda yadda. Evil genius, oooooh. What are you Wile E. Coyote now?" Celeste mutters to herself

"Did you have something to say Celeste?" Stefano stares at her

"No." Celeste says "YES. What are we doing in the middle of the dump? Don't we usually do these things in the cemetery?"

"Cast your spell and you shall see" Stefano says

Celeste tosses a handful of powder into the cauldron. It explodes into a plume of blue smoke. She then tosses another handful of powder and red smoke belches forth.

"Spirits cross and come near,
We call you come and settle here.
From death you walk, you live again
To crush and kill the Brady clan!"

A mound of garbage starts to move, then heave. Suddenly a water heater, emerges and rolls towards the shocked pair. It stops short of the fire.
A few tense seconds go by, then a loud banging comes from inside.

"HEY! HEY! A little help here!" A voice come from inside

"Well don't just stand there," Stefano says "Get him out of that thing"

Celeste stares at the water heater for a minute, the turns to Stefano "Oh sure, I'll get him out of there. Excuse me while I go get my blowtorch and welding helmet out of the car. Are you nuts? How am I supposed to get him out of there?"

"Of all the incompetent, idiots I have to work with," Stefano grumbles "Why, why just once can't someone be prepared for these missions? ROLF!"

"I am here Stefano, I will take care of it" The ever faithful Dr. Rolf scurries to the water heater with a large can opener. After a few moments the top pops off and ZOMBIE FORD emerges.

"Excellent, Rolf! Now go back to the mansion and prepare everything for our new guest." Stefano orders

"Yes Stefano, I will be ready" Rolf hurries away as Ford looks around confused

"Why am I here? What happened? And WHAT'S THAT SMELL?" Ford asks

"Patience, my friend. Everything will be revealed soon enough." Stefano walks to Ford and smiles "Soon the Brady family will be no more."

"Brady? You mean that little BITCH Chelsea Brady? I have a score to settle with her!" Zombie Ford snarls

"Yes, Chelsea Brady." Stefano says "She will be your first target. Once we have taken care of her, it will only be a matter of time before my plan is complete."

Zombie John comes up from behind Stefano, and stands next to him.

"Ah, John, take our new friend here and debrief him." Stefano says

"Uh Dude, yeah, I don't swing that way." Zombie Ford looks a little unsure

"It means I am supposed to explain things to you." Zombie John says "Get over yourself. I mean you're cute, but you're no Max Brady."

Celeste is packing up her magical equipment as fast as she can. She feels her cell phone go off, and checks to see who's calling. Crystal. Celeste, makes sure Stefano isn't watching and steps behind a pile of old used caskets to take the call.

"Crystal, I have been waiting to hear from you." Celeste says "Do you have Brady, Belle and Claire Black with you?"

"Not yet mother," Crystal answers "I have Brady and Claire, but Belle is proving to be a bit harder. The girl is so dumb she is impossible to kidnap."

"That does not concern me!" Celeste snaps "Get Belle Black and do not fail. This entire plan depends on the children of John Black being in a safe place."

"I won't fail you mother." Crystal promises

Celeste hangs up the phone and turns around only to come face to face with Zombie John.

"Are they safe?" he asks

"Soon, John." Celeste says "Soon our path will be clear to finally rid the world of Stefano Dimera, forever."


Blogger Mike said...

Now, that is a story line I would like to see on DOOL. Again, well done.


January 10, 2008 at 6:55 AM  
Blogger Applecheeks said...

Celeste, makes sure Stefano isn't watching and steps behind a pile of old used caskets to take the call. Well, Deb, you got a spit-take from me on that one.

Pardon me while I go clean off my keyboard. LOLOL

January 10, 2008 at 8:06 AM  

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